Bible Sticker Activity: Noah?s Ark

Bible Sticker Activity: Noah?s Ark


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Availability: Out of stock SKU: 978-17-86177-469 Category:


Bible Sticker Activity Noah’s Ark features a selection of stories simply retold for young
children aged 3+, and 100 stickers to use inside. Engaging stick-in and write-in activities
throughout support the easy-to-read text and encourage readers to join in as they follow
along with parents, or on their own. Stories included: God Creates the World, Adam and
Eve in Eden, The Tempting Fruit, Noah the Good Farmer, Noah’s Ark, Two by Two, The
Great Flood.

• 100 stickers
• Up to eight stories
• Variety of activities throughout
• Bold, colourful design and appealing illustration

ISBN 978-17-86177-469
PRICE £4.99
AGE 3+
BINDING Paperback
FORMAT 275 x 216 mm /
10.83 x 8.50 in

Additional information

Weight 0.145 kg